First Time Investors
Purchasing your first Triple Net commercial income producing property? We are here to guide you through the process.
No investment is without risk; but managed properly you can reduce your risk to a level in which you feel comfortable.
Topics To Consider
Below is a list of topics that you will need to think about:
How much money do I have to invest?
Am I willing to leverage my investment (take on debt)?
Am I willing to invest with partners or can I afford to hold the investment alone?
Am I willing to take on partners, if so who?
What are my return (CAP Rate) expectations?
How long can I absorb a dark building?
What are the carrying costs if the building were to go dark?
How long or short of lease am I will to accept?
What industry would I like to invest in?
Who will I use to inspect the building?
Do I have any restrictions on geographical locations?
How do I want to structure my ownership of my investment?
How much daily involvement of the investment do I want to take on?
Do I have legal representation for contract preparation and negotiations?
Do I have legal representation for lease and estoppel review?
Do I have accounting representation for tax purposes?
Who will I use for commercial insurance?
Do I have proper insurance coverage?
Where will I bank?
What title company will I use?
What To Do Next
Step #1
Determine for yourself if investing in NNN commercial properties is the correct move for you.
Do so by talking with as many people possible whom have experience owning NNN properties. Ask them the advantages and disadvantages. Ask them what they recommend.
Speak with your accountant or financial planner (if you have one) and get their recommendations.
Speak with your legal counsel to get their opinion.
Step #2
Review the list of "topics to consider" again.
Step #3
Contact us via telephone, email or text so we can get started.